Ananna's portfolio

Technical Skills

Statistics: Descriptive Analysis, Inferential Analysis

Machine Learning: Supervised Learning, Semi-supervised Learning, Unsupervised learning, Reinforcement Learning, SVM,CNN, RNN, GRU, LSTM

Biomedical Signal Processing: EEG, ECG, PCA, ICA, FFT, WPT

Neural Engineering: Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)

Computer Vision: Biomedical Image processing

Courses and Certifications

* NMA Computational Neuroscience Course 2022by neuromatch academy.
* BCI & Neurotechnology Spring School 2022by g.tec medical engineering GmbH.
* Ada Lovelace DATATHON 2021 by HERWILL and BdOSN.
* Introduction to Python by DataCamp.
* Intermediate Python by DataCamp.
* Neural Networks and Deep Learning by (Coursera).
* Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyper parameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization by (Coursera).
* Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic Using Machine Learning 2020 by IEEE CS BDC.
* Git for Developers Using GitHub by Coursera Project Network (Coursera).
* Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone by Georgia Institute of Technology.