Ananna's portfolio


Ananna Biswas, Hongyu An, "Preliminary Results of Neuromorphic Controller Design and a Parkinson's Disease Dataset Building for Closed-Loop Deep Brain Stimulation". Presented in ICONS 2024.


Ananna Biswas, Fazla Rabbi Mashrur, Khandoker Mahmudur Rahman, Mohammad Tohidul Islam Miya, Farhana Sarker, Khondaker A. Mamun, "An Overview of Neuromarketing Research in Developing Countries: Prospects and Challenges". ICCA-2022. Published in ACM.

Ananna Biswas, Zabir Al Nazi, Tasnim Azad Abir, "Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Detection by A Gated Recurrent Unit Network with Self Attention". EICT-2019. Published in IEEE.

Zabir Al Nazi, Ananna Biswas, Md. Abu Rayhan, Tasnim Azad Abir, "Classification of ECG signals by dot Residual LSTM Network with Data Augmentation for Anomaly Detection". ICCIT-2019. Published in IEEE.